How to Maintain Motivation for a Healthy Lifestyle
Starting a regular exercise routine can be a challenge at any age, and it doesn’t get any easier as you get older. You may feel...

How aging impacts the neurological system
Physiological changes occur in the human body as people age. Age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system may be structural,...

Fight Alzheimer's with Diet and Nutrition
A healthy diet benefits more than just the waistline. It improves heart health, and lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular...

Fight Alzheimer’s Disease with Exercise
Exercise has many benefits, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, increasing bone and muscle strength, and...

Fall Prevention Exercises for Older Adults
As we age, the systems that help us maintain balance, including muscles, bones, joints and vision deteriorate. But it’s never too late to...

Why are seniors prone to falling?
It’s a fact that as we age, we become more susceptible to injuries caused by falling. Statistics show that falling is the leading cause...

What is Functional Fitness?
Functional fitness is a broad concept with many definitions, applications and interpretations. As a senior fitness specialist, my...

SMART Fitness Resolutions For The Year Ahead
As the New Year rolls around, good intentions empower many people to make fitness resolutions. The likelihood of sustaining those...

It's Not That Hard To Keep Fit And Healthy During The Holidays
The holiday season is upon us, and for many people this adds stress, adds calories and interferes with a regular fitness routine. Here...

How to prepare for recreational hiking
If you are an older adventurer who wants to supplement a fitness regimen with nature and outdoor beauty, a small investment in your...