Future of Senior Fitness
Health Is Your Only Wealth

Myles Dias

Myles Dias Fitness Hawaii, LLC
Myles Dias
Master Trainer
Senior Fitness Specialist

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Helping older adults improve their quality of life by providing safe and effective exercise programs and advice about healthy lifestyle choices is an important mission.
A commitment to healthy living counteracts a majority of the chronic health conditions leading to morbidity in older adults. Common afflictions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and emphysema, are less common in persons who choose healthy lifestyles.
"The only way you can hurt the body is not use it, inactivity is the killer, and remember, it’s never too late.” - Jack La Lanne/God Father of Fitness
"Every person has different strengths, weaknesses, and functional challenges. However, by the time we age the decline in our abilities, health, and degenerative conditions require special attention. Older adults require effective programs that promote functional capacity and safety for each individual person. Because of this, I highly recommend a Personal Trainer for Senior Citizens."
- Myles Dias
Myles Dias Fitness Hawaii, LLC
Myles Dias is a health and fitness professional who has made a commitment to providing quality fitness programs and personal fitness training for older adults. Myles is a Master Trainer who is certified as a Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) and has years of experience and knowledge working with Senior Citizens.
People Talk!

“The specialized knowledge Myles has of the issues of aging is the critically important addition to his extensive knowledge of physical health and fitness. Some of the people he works with have limitations to their physical abilities due to normal aging, some are trying to get back to their baseline after a surgery, and others have very serious limitations. The success Myles has had with all of them is a result of his ability to find the "sweet spot" between working too hard and discouraging people, and doing too little to be of any benefit. He is unique in his field, and we are fortunate to have him available to our residents”.
- Linda Adamson
Director of Lifestyles
Kahala Nui

"Myles is extremely knowledgeable in his field. He started out melding my mind and body and taught me that they have to work together. I am much stronger, confident in my step, my back aches are gone and I have lost 10 lbs. Sometimes I can't believe how far I have come. Most importantly Myles listens and that is an important asset in helping me achieve my goals."
- Joyce Almeida
President/Owner/Sunshine Properties

“Myles patiently guided me along to increase my balance, core strength and cardio. At every plateau, he has guided me to the next level, whether it is to tweak my nutrition, discuss personal roadblocks, or change my interval training. To date I have lost 25+ lbs and look forward to continuing my weight loss with Myles guidance”
- Cheryl Eberlin/Business Owner

"Working out with Myles has really transformed my body! Although I was a regular “gym rat,” I was stuck in a rut. I did the same 30 minutes on the treadmill and a few crunches every time. Myles started with a thorough fitness evaluation -- including measuring my body fat and calculating my target heart rate – and then he designed custom workouts tailored to my fitness goals. Myles helped me get back my enthusiasm for weight training and pumped up my cardio program. I was surprised by how much progress I made after just a few weeks. The other night I wore my “skinny dress” to a dinner out with my husband, and I know I looked good! But the best part is I have so much more energy now and I feel much stronger."
- Dana K. Grant Writer/Non-Profits