Future of Senior Fitness
Health Is Your Only Wealth

Finding a Personal Trainer Who's Right For You

If you're not used to exercising, you may want to work with a Personal Fitness
Trainer. One of the best ways to find a personal trainer is to get a referral from someone
you know who has a great trainer. Ask your friends and family or your health care
provider. If you don't mind exercising in group settings or with other people around you
can also check with a local health club or senior center. Once you have a few names,
here is a list of questions to help you pick the right person. If you can answer YES to
most of these questions, you're probably on the right track.

Education and Experience
Myles Dias
1 Does the trainer have a certification from an accredited organization?
Myles Dias has been certified for 15 years. He has been a Master Trainer for ten years. He holds certifications as a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). In addition he holds two specialty certifications as a Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) with NASM and a Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach(MMACC) with the National Excercise and Sports Trainers Association (not active). He is First Aid and CPR AED certified with the American Heart Association.
2 Does the trainer have education or experience in exercise science, aging, and program design
Myles Dias is a Master Trainer with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In addition to his other three certifications he is also a Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Myles trains individual Senior Citizens at thier homes and at a Private Studio. In addition he has contracted his services to the Kahala Nui Retirement Community (10 years) and is the only authorized Personal Trainer on the property.
3 Does the trainer have at least 2 years of experience, including experience training people your age?
Myles Dias has been involved in Health and Fitness for over 30 years as an athlete, trainer and coach. Myles has been certified for 15 years. He has been a Master Trainer for ten years. He holds certifications as a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). In addition he holds two specialty certifications as a with NASM and a Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Coach(MMACC) with the National Excercise and Sports Trainers Association (not active). He is First Aid and CPR AED certified with the American Heart Association. 99.9% of Myles' clients are older adults ranging in age from 50 years old to 96 years old! One of Myles' corporate accounts is Kahala Nui, owned by Kahala Senior Living Community, Inc. He has been the only authorized Personal Trainer on the property for the past 10 years.
4 Will the trainer be able to develop an exercise program based on your goals, abilities, and health?
Myles knows how to provide older adults with a program just for them. He starts by offering a free consultation. Once he determines that they are healthly enough to proceed he asseses their strengths and weaknesses. He works together with clients, thier families, doctors, nurses, caregivers, and physical therapists to help them get stronger and vitalized. See some of the comments about Myles on the home page under
5 Has the trainer worked with people with your medical conditions?
Myles Dias has worked with people that have had a variety of medical conditions. His first client was an 80 year old woman who had knee replacement surgery and six months prior a heart bypass surgery! Since then Myles has worked with clients that have had hip replacement, knee replacement, diabetes, heart conditions, stress fractures, tendinitis, dementia, Parkinson's, arthritis, Cancer, neck fusion, COPD, dyslipidemia, hypertension, low back pain, wrist injuries, lumbar disease, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis
depression, shoulder impingement, nerve damage, sciatic pain, frozen shoulder, broken back , abnormal posture and special conditions, like Osgood Schlatter and ones that are rare like Osteochondritis Dissecans.
6 Does the trainer know how to personalize your exercises based on your medications you take?
One of the most important duties of a Senior Fitness Specialist is to understand medications and their effect on exercise responses. Medications can effect heart rate, blood pressure, orientation, alertness, and awareness. Myles requires that every client provide him with a list of thier medications prior to starting a fitness program.

1 Did the trainer listen carefully to you and answer your questions?
Myles offers all of his prospective clients a free consultation. During that visit you can have your all of
your questions answered and many of his current clients have commented on how well he listens!
2 Does the trainer have a sense of humor and personality that you like?
During the free consultation you can see if Myles has a personality that is a good match for you!

1 Has the trainer told you what to expect from the sessions?
You've made the decision to improve your health, and now you're wondering what it would be like to have your
own personal trainer (ideally, a Certified Senior Fitness Specialist Personal Trainer). The first thing that most
people notice is an improvement in their energy level and sense of well-being. This often leads to other benefits
such as reduced stress, better performance, and improved sleep function. You will probably also experience a
mental and emotional "boost" from the knowledge that you are doing something good for your body. You
definitely should see improvements in your ability to perform various exercises, such as being able to increase the
number of repetitions or amount of weight used. Everyone is different; variables such as body type, goals, level
of commitment and frequency of sessions will determine your results. Commit yourself to maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and you will maximize the results of your training program, plus you will reap the benefit of improved
overall health!
2 Are the monetary investments and cancellation policies clearly stated?
Myles' individually tailored services are offered at a private fitness studio, through mobile service at
clients homes, or as many of his clients prefer, working outdoors in nature. Once your goal is set and
the location and frequency of the sessions are determined he will be able to suggest the best and
most affordable package. Myles will clearly discuss all of his education, experience and policies with
3 Is the trainer insured?
Myles Dias Fitness Hawaii, LLC is a Domestic Limited Liability Company. His business is registered with State of
Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, has a Hawaii State Tax ID Number and is insured with
Hoffman Insurance Services, Inc., underwritten by Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company.
4 Will the trainer provide you with a list of clients so that you can check references?
Myles will be glad to provide you with a list of clients. In addition he has several Health &
Fitness professionals that can provide testimony on his capabilities as a fitness professional.