Future of Senior Fitness
Health Is Your Only Wealth

Elements in Fitness
Every person has different strengths, weaknesses, and functional challenges and by the time we age the decline in our abilities, health, and degenerative conditions require special attention. Because more people are deconditioned they need special consideration when beginning an exercise program.
It is important that older adults choose health and fitness professionals that have obtained proper credentialing, training, and education so that effective programs that promote functional capacity and safety for each individual person can be achieved.
Myles Dias has the experience, education and demonstrated success with older adults. His approach to fitness is to incorporate the 5 most important elements in fitness. They are listed below with his explanation for each!
Balance exercises can help prevent falls by improving your ability to control and maintain your body's position, whether you are moving or still. Each year, more than one-third of people age 65 or older fall. Falls and fall-related injuries, such as hip fracture, can have a serious impact on an older person's life. If you fall, it could limit your activities or make it impossible to live independently.
The core is the beginning point for movement and the center of gravity for the body. The core is divided into two categories, the stabilization and movement systems. The stabilization system is responsible for maintaining stability of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, whereas the movement system is responsible for the movement of the core. Think of stabilization as the deep inner muscles and the movement as the outer muscles. Having a strong core is important for the transfer of strength and power from the lower extremities into the upper body. Having a weak core will increase your chances of hip, low back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain.
Resistance training and regular muscle strengthening activities will help older adults to maintain and increase muscle mass, increase bone density, reduce fat weight, help prevent diabetes, and improve cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Other benefits include decreasing lower back discomfort, reducing arthritic pain, enhancing self-confidence, and relieving depression. Resistance exercises make activities of daily living easier, and help older adults maintain independence.
Cardio or aerobic activities strengthen the heart and lungs, increases endurance and burns calories which help you to lose or manage weight and relieve stress. Aerobic exercise will enhance the delivery of oxygen to muscles, your brain, and control blood pressure change in older adults. Cardiovascular exercise lowers resting heart rate, decreases systolic and diastolic pressures during exercise, and improves oxygen uptake.
Flexibility is range of motion and soft tissue extensibility. Just to get out of bed we need flexibility. Flexibility tends to deteriorate with age, often due to a sedentary lifestyle. Without adequate flexibility, daily activities become more difficult to perform. Over time, we create body movements and posture habits that can lead to reduced mobility of joints and compromised body positions. Staying active and stretching regularly can help prevent loss of mobility, which ensures independence as we age. Being flexible significantly reduces the chance of experiencing occasional and chronic back pain.