Future of Senior Fitness
Health Is Your Only Wealth

Senior Fitness Specialist, Myles Dias Launches A Groundbreaking Community Service Television Program Called The "Future Of Senior Fitness."

Myles Dias announced today that his new community service television program the "Future of Senior Fitness" will air on ‘Ōlelo Community Media channel 54, Saturday March 5, at 5:30 P.M., and air every consecutive Saturday. New episodes will air each month thereafter. Dias who co-produced and is hosting the series of televison episodes said that the ultimate goal of the program is designed to educate older adults about the importance of good health and exercise and to reach Hawaii's aging population and give them the tools to maintain their independence and enhance the quality of their lives.
Dias said that " I want everyone to do the best they can with the ability they’ve got. Exercise can revitalize!" He is hoping that the shows will provide education, motivation and inspiration for older adults. To emphasize his beliefs he has borrowed a quote from fitness guru Jack La Lanne/God Father of Fitness " The only way you can hurt the body is not use it, inactivity is the killer, and remember, it’s never too late.”
About Myles Dias: Dias has been involved in health and fitness for over 30 years as an athlete, trainer and coach. He has been certified for 13 years and has been a Master Trainer for eight years. He holds certifications as a Certified Personal Trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). In addition he holds specialty certifications as a Senior Fitness Specialist with NASM and a mixed martial arts conditioning coach (MMACC) with the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association (NESTA).
Myles Dias, Master Trainer and Certified Senior Fitness Specialist is hosting the "Future of Senior Fitness. The television series will expose many common myths about exercise, fitness and wellbeing in older adults.
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" I want everyone to do the best they can with the ability they’ve got. Exercise can revitalize!"