Future of Senior Fitness
Health Is Your Only Wealth

‘ÅŒlelo Series to Expose Myths about Senior Fitness
December 2, 2015
(Honolulu) The Future of Senior Fitness, a series of episodes designed to educate older adults about the importance of exercise, health, and fitness in their 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond will debut in January 2016. The series will be aired on ʻŌlelo Community Media channel 54 on Saturday March 5, at 5:30 P.M., and air every consecutive Saturday. New episodes will air each month thereafter. The series will expose many common myths about exercise, fitness and wellbeing in older adults.
The programs will help older adults and their families understand how the body ages, how to get the most out of healthy activities and exercising, how to avoid pain and injury, how to feel better and enjoy life more through healthy lifestyle choices, and how to get the tools to maintain their independence and enhance the quality of their lives.
“Common myths about the aging process as well as lack of education, lack of motivation, lack of access to senior specific fitness facilities and quality senior fitness professionals are all reasons why older adults may not get the exercise they need to stay healthy and active,’ said Myles Dias, the program’s host. Dias, one of Hawaii’s premier senior fitness practitioners, is founder and principal of Myles Dias Fitness Hawaii, LLC. “Those of us who have aging parents or other golden-aged people in our lives owe it to them to encourage and support them in maintaining active, independent and high quality lifestyles.”
Featured guests in the series are:
Dr. Anthony J. Mauro, MD, Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine
Dr. Edward Chesne, MD, Cardiologist
Linda Adamson, Lifestyles Director, Kahala Nui
Dr. Jane Kadohiro, DrPH, APRN, CDE, FAADE
John Scherry, PT, CSCS
Judy Thompson, MPH, RDN, CDE
Topics covered in the program will include:
Fitness trends and samples of effective exercises for older adults
Exercise and common medical conditions
Nutrition recommendations for active older adults
The impact of aging on the neurological, musculoskeletal, and cardio respiratory systems.
Exercise safety guidelines
How exercise can help manage diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, low back pain, dementia, COPD, and much more.
The Future of Senior Fitness is a collaboration of Senior Fitness Specialist Myles Dias, ‘ÅŒlelo Community Media and other community minded organizations. Video copies of each episode will be available on www.futureofseniorfitness.com under the videos tab. Press kit available under press tab.
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